What's At Stake In America's Midterm Elections
A graphic explainer providing an overview of the current and historical political control of both congress and the executive branch of the United States government.
This explainer was long-listed in the 2018 Information is Beautiful awards. Read the article in German here. Written and visualized in collaboration with David Bauer and Ann-Dorit Boy.
This explainer was long-listed in the 2018 Information is Beautiful awards. Read the article in German here. Written and visualized in collaboration with David Bauer and Ann-Dorit Boy.

Which party historically has controlled the branches of congress?
Which party historically has controlled the branches of congress?
The top portion of each house represents the Executive Branch of the government and reflects the party of the sitting president. The bottom left: Senate, bottom right: House of Representatives.
The top portion of each house represents the Executive Branch of the government and reflects the party of the sitting president. The bottom left: Senate, bottom right: House of Representatives.

The democrats need to defend significantly more senate seats
The democrats need to defend significantly more senate seats
Each dot represents a Senator/seat that is up for election in the 2018 midterms. The color of the state reflects how the state voted during the 2016 presidential elections.
Each dot represents a Senator/seat that is up for election in the 2018 midterms. The color of the state reflects how the state voted during the 2016 presidential elections.

The distribution of seats in the House of Representatives across America
The distribution of seats in the House of Representatives across America
The distribution of seats given to each state are based on the population of a state.
The distribution of seats given to each state are based on the population of a state.

Unpopular presidents experience larger losses
Unpopular presidents experience larger losses
As a rule, the president’s party loses seats in the midterm election of their first term.
As a rule, the president’s party loses seats in the midterm election of their first term.